Parent guide

Many thanks for signing your child up to our Junior Coaching Programme  or Holiday Camp at The Northumberland Club. We are very much look forward to seeing your child, and helping them to improve their racquet skills whilst having fun and making new friends.

PARENT GUIDE – Coaching courses welcome and safeguarding information for parents


Please note that all children should be dropped and collected from the courts that the session will take place on. We cannot release children unless the responsible adult collects them from the court and designated coach leading the session. You will be notified in advance of which courts these will be, and they should not change throughout the term of coaching. If a change is necessary, we will give you warning. Children attending holiday camps must be signed in and out by an adult.

The bar and café will be open from 0900 - 21.30 daily serving brunch, lunch, coffee, drinks, snacks, and hot meals. Parents and children are welcome to always use the lounge and bar.

Please ensure your child brings a water bottle with them. If the weather is hot, please send your child with sun cream already applied and a hat.

Walkie-talkies are used by staff and coaches to communicate between the reception/office; senior leaders; courts, sports halls, and lunch spaces to ensure we operate as safely as possible and provide support to children when needed. All coaches are trained First Aiders and we have several first aid kits on site. Other first aiders are on call around the site if an accident requires more attention in each building/area.

All adults are expected to apply the safeguarding policy and code of conduct consistently and children should respect all adults equally.

Fee structure and Booking arrangements

Clubspark coaching courses/holiday camps are payable termly in advance via the club spark booking system and are non-refundable. Where there are available places and a course is not full after it commences, parents may book part way through the term for the remainder of the whole term and this can be booked on line or at the reception desk. The club offers discounted prices for courses where the child or parent is a member of the club. Memberships are validated by our reception staff and are paid monthly through the go-cardless system.

Refunds will not be given for sickness or any other absences. The Head coach will try to offer an alternative or additional session wherever possible within the weekly timetable/the following week if there is a genuine reason why your child is unable to attend so that they do not miss out. For example, isolation due to covid or a sprained ankle. We do understand there are sometimes extenuating circumstances and, in the case, where your child for example has had to undergo surgery or breaks a limb and is unable to attend for a longer period during the term the club will refund a maximum of half of the term course fees. Please see the General Manager in this case.

We would prefer parents to pay on line via our clubspark system. If you have not registered to do this, it is very easy. Simply access the website The Northumberland Club / Coaching. Please make sure that you record your contact details and special requirements or medical information your child may have when you are booking.

Changing and medical information

It should be recognised that the Northumberland Club is a multi-user facility and there is not a separate changing/toilet facility for juniors. This policy encourages children to come to coaching

and holiday camp sessions already changed and to use any showering facilities in their own homes. 

We understand that sometimes changing rooms are needed to attend after school sessions and we would ask that children aged 11 and under are accompanied/supervised by their parent or responsible adult in the changing room. Children aged 12 and above may use the changing room unaccompanied but please be mindful the changing rooms are accessible by other adults.

If your child has any medical conditions that we need to be aware of or special requirements please ensure this is recorded on your booking information or email

SAFEGUARDING information for parents

Welfare Officer

Our club always promotes a safe and inclusive venue and culture. Our Welfare officer is Mandy Tulip and she can be contacted at the club on 0191 281 5858 for any advice or discussion. You will notice around the club our Safeguarding posters and Policies are available to read at the top of the stairs, landings and bar areas and a photograph of our welfare officers with direct contact details so you know who they are. Our Safeguarding policies are available on our website so you know where to find them on line. 

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mandy Tulip at the club, Dave Barnett, Head Squash coach or John Henderson Head Tennis Coach.